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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->INFLUENCINGPEOPLJOSEPhOfCO""DR&11.*t"a-'-WINNEROFTHE 1991PRIZEFORT ~BESTBOOKONHYPNOTHERAPYANDERELATEDTOPICSFROMTHE BRITISHCOUNCILOFHYPNOTISTEXAMINERS.-Somepeopleappearmoregiftedthanothers.NLP,oneofthefastestgrowlngdevelopmentsinappliedpsychology,describesinsimpletermswhattheydodifferently,andenablesyoutolearnthesepatternsofexcellence.Thisapproachgivesthepracticalskillsused byoutstandingcommunicators.Excellentcommunicationisthebasisofcreatingexcellentresults.NLPskillsareprovinginvaluableforpersonaldevelopmentandprofessionalexcellenceincounselling,educationandbusiness.b--IntroducingNeuro-LinguisticProgrammingincludes:HowtocreaterapportwithothersInfluencingskillsUnderstandingandusingbodylanguageHowtothinkaboutandachievetheresultsyouwantTheartofaskingkeyquestionsEffectivemeetings, negotiationsandsellingAcceleratedlearningstrategies%'NLPisavaluableandintriguingapproachtotheunderstandingoflearningandcommunication.JosephO'ConnorandJohnSeymour'sbookisanexcellentintroductiontothefield.'TONYBUZANJosephO'Connorisateacherandwriter,workingineducationandpsychology,withaspecialinterestinmusicandtheperformingarts.HeistheauthorofNotPull~ngStrings,andhaspublishedavideo,L~steningSkillsinMusic.JohnSeymourisapsychologistandNLPtrainer,founderofJohnSeymourAssociates,thelongestestablishedNLPtrainingcentreinBritain.HeisalsoanAssociateTutorattheFurtherEducation StaffCollege.I S B N1-85538-344-6UK£7.99AUS$19.95*USA$1500CAN$14.951111111111111 1100799>111111111Like the creative composer, some people are more gifted at living thanothers. They do have an effect on those around them, but the processstops there because there is no way of describing in technical termsjust what it is they do, most of which is out of awareness. Some timein the future, a long, long time from now when culture is morecompletely explored, there will be an equivalent of musical scores thatcan be learned, each for a different type of man or woman in differenttypes of jobs or relationships, for time, space, work, and play. We seepeople who are successful and happy today, who have jobs which arerewarding and productive. What are the sets, isolates, and patternsthat differentiate their lives from those of the less fortunate? We needto have a means for making life a little less haphazard and moreenjoyable.Edward T. HallTheSilentLanguage
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