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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] In Too Deepby Ronica BlackVersión web© Ronica Black, 2002buxara LibrosLes, 2008http://buxaralibrosles.wordpress.comINDICEDisclaimerPROLOGUECHAPTER 1CHAPTER 2CHAPTER 3CHAPTER 4CHAPTER 5CHAPTER 6CHAPTER 7CHAPTER 8CHAPTER 9CHAPTER 10CHAPTER 11EPILOGUEA NOTE FROM THE AUTHORDisclaimer:The story that follows contains violent content,sexual content and strong language. If any ofthese offend you, please do not read any fur-ther. All characters are fictional, as well as thecity in which the story takes place.*****PROLOGUESunday, July 6thRoyal Hotel, Valle Luna, Az."How bout we play a little game?" The hot,young blonde leered at him playfully, whileremoving his tie and shirt.She smiled wickedly and licked her lips as hisdress slacks dropped to the floor, exposing hisblue jockey shorts and a small, protruding erec-tion. He looked down at himself and laughedsheepishly."What kind of game?" He asked her, a little ex-cited at the prospect of something kinky.She lowered herself and lifted his ankles, one at atime, free of his pants. She tried to come back upbut he gently pushed on her shoulders, urgingher head to pay his manhood some attention.But she resisted his hold quickly, forcefullypushing him flat on his back on the bed. Themove was lightning quick, knocking the breathout of him."It's just a fun little game that really gets me go-ing." She purred in his ear while crawling ontop of him. She grabbed his right wrist andbrought it seductively up to brush against hernegligee covered breast. "You ever been tiedup?" Her grin was predatory and he licked hislips nervously, his mind still reeling from herquick positioning of him."Uh, sure…all the time." He lied.She jerked his hand up and had it bound with anylon before he knew what was happening. Shewas so quick, and he couldn't seem to think orrespond like he should. Panic began to flood hisbrain and he realized she was binding the otherhand as he tried to regain focus on the blurringroom.She rose from the bed and stood looking downat him, her expression now cold, her eyes dead,chilling him to the bone."What's going on?" He tried to free his handsbut they were bound tight, too tight."I'm going to go change into something morecomfortable." She smiled at him, seemingly ig-noring his question of concern. He recognizedthe smile cracking her suddenly stone face. Hegave that smile a million times a year. The fake,insincere smile that he used to comfort ques-tioning clients, his questioning wife and anyoneelse who happened to stand in the way of whathe wanted. With frightening clarity, he sud-denly realized he was about to get fucked, justnot in the way he had originally hoped.The mysterious woman disappeared into thebathroom and he quickly looked around theposh hotel room, searching for some way out ofthe predicament. He tugged at the binds, butthey wouldn't give. They were surprisinglystrong and the task was going to be much moredifficult than he realized.Just give her what she wants and get yourselfout of this."I've got cash in my wallet, along with mycredit cards." He stammered out with a thicken-ing tongue. She must've slipped something intohis drink, his senses were numbing fast."Please, just take my wallet and go. I won't re-port this. Just please, at least free one hand be-fore you go."She didn't respond. Sweat trickled down hisbalding head.How did he get into this?It was usually so easy to sleep with thesewomen. All he ever had to do was flash hismoney and mention his unhappy marriage andthey eagerly crawled into bed with him withhopes of becoming a kept mistress or maybe afuture wife.Yep, money makes the world go round and thepussy wet.He laughed at his thought. They were becom-ing stranger by the moment. He looked at hisbound wrists and scowled, this was no time tobe having foolish thoughts. His blood boiledwith a surge of growing anger, and he jerkedhard at the stocking bindings, determined toget free. But the struggle only seemed to makethe binds tighter, causing his hands to purplewith trapped blood."Hey!" He slurred out towards the silent bath-room.Ok, next time, no bondage.His head pounded with pain. He tried, onceagain, to be nice. "I got about four hundred dol-lars cash in my wallet. Just take it. It's yours."He held his head up, straining to see anymovement at all from the bathroom.Silence."Shit". He let his head fall against the bed."I don't want your money, honey." She was nextto the bed with catlike quickness.She was dressed in jeans and a tank top. Herthick blonde mane was pulled back into a darkblue baseball cap. Her arms were bronzed andstrong and her breasts swelled under the tighttank top.Maybe she still wanted to get it on.He grinned at her and felt drool trickle downhis mouth.She held up a syringe and flicked it with herfinger. "You shouldn't still be this active bigboy. Guess I should've given you a little moreto start with." Some liquid shot out of the nee-dle in a quick spurt. "It makes it harder on meto inject you when you're still able to movearound."She sat next to him on the bed and leaned onhis chest, aiming the needle up towards hisarmpit. "Don't move or it'll hurt."He didn't know what was going on and he triedagain to move his wrists but they wouldn'tgive. She sensed his panic and pressed harderagainst him, trying to hold him down with herweight. Suddenly, he remembered that his legswere free and he brought his knee up hard intoher back just as she was injecting him, shovingthe needle deep into his armpit.He howled in pain and she jumped off him,punching him hard in the jaw to silence him."Shut up you idiot!" She seethed at him in an-ger. "It's your own damn fault it hurt." Shelooked at her hand, opening and shutting herfist, examining the impact from his jaw. Scowl-ing, she hurried off into the bathroom with theempty syringe in hand.Blood pounded angrily up to his jaw and he re-alized she had probably cracked it. He swal-lowed warm blood and blinked back tears fromthe pain. The searing liquid from the syringesurged through his bloodstream, weighing himdown, virtually paralyzing him. Attempts tomove his limbs failed, and panic washed overhim, causing him to hyperventilate.He looked over as she returned to the bed,looking very pissed off rubbing her sore hand."You ready to behave now?"He tried again, one last time, while he couldstill utter the words. "Take my wallet." Hethought of the pictures inside it, of his beautifulwife and two sons. He began to cry withoutcontrol.What had he done to them? Why?"Take my money and leave me. Please." Helooked at the stranger with blurred, teary vision."I told you, I don't want your money."He gulped for air in-between sobs and trieddesperately to think."What do you want?"She leaned in close to him and jerked his handfree of the bind. She whispered in his ear with avoice as cold as ice, "Your blood."***Tuesday, July 8thCorona County Desert, Valle Luna, Az."Nice looking family." Detective Stewart wasflipping carefully through the expensive,leather wallet with latex gloved hands.The younger, thinner Detective Hernandezstood from his kneel over the stinking deadbody. "Yeah, I know. What a shame." He al-ways took homicides to heart, no matter whatthe case involved. It was always a life lost."Do we have any masks left?" Hernandez askedcovering his mouth with his hand. "I think Imight toss my cookies."Stewart let out a raspy asthmatic laugh."Again? Christ kid, you gonna throw up everytime we go on sight?" He was the one who hadto collect most of the forensic evidence, from onor near, all the sun exposed bodies. His partnerjust couldn't handle the ones baked in the heat.They had been out here an hour already andthis was the closest Hernandez had come to thebody.Jeff Hernandez scowled at the fat detective."Not every time. It's just that the last three havebeen left to ripen in the sun and the smell offlesh cooking is not as appetizing to me as it isto you." He patted Stewart's belly playfully ashe walked by him towards their crime van."Fuck you Hernandez." Stewart shot back onlyhalf meaning it. "Listen kid, if you can't take theheat then get out the kitchen." Jeff was climbingthrough the van searching for a mask. Stewartcontinued, talking louder so he could hear."Working homicide in Valle Luna, you're gonnasee a lot of bodies cooking in the heat." He hadbeen working homicide in the Valley for tenyears now and he remembered how hard it wasfor him to get used to the sweltering heat andwhat it did to bodies. At least once a day in thesummer, he wished he was back in Jersey."Quit calling me kid. I'm not a child." Hernan-dez proclaimed in a muffled voice from behinda white cardboard mask.Stewart couldn't help but laugh at the site. Her-nandez looked and sounded ridiculous with themask on. He wiped the warm sweat from hisbrow. "You are a kid Herny, a baby for Christ'ssake. What are you, twenty five? Twenty sixtops?"Stewart kn...
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