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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Slammer Worm Dissection Inside the Slammer Worm The Slammer worm spread so quickly that human response was ineffective. In January 2003, it packed a benign payload, but its disruptive capacity was surprising. Why was it so effective and what new challenges do this new breed of worm pose? D AVID M OORE Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis and University of California, San Diego V ERN P AXSON International Computer Science Institute and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory S lammer (sometimes called Sapphire) was the first real-world demonstration of a high-speed worm’s capabilities. By comparison, Slam- mer was two orders of magnitude faster than the Code Red worm, which infected more than 359,000 hosts on 19 July 2001, 2 and had a leisurely 37 minutes of popula- tion doubling time. While Slammer had no malicious payload, it caused considerable harm by overloading networks and disabling database servers. Many sites lost connectivity as local copies of the worm saturated their access bandwidths. Al- though most backbone providers appeared to remain sta- ble throughout the epidemic, there were several reports of Internet backbone disruption. For a single snapshot of the activity, see _udp_worm/internet_health.jpg. Additionally, Tim Griffin of AT&T Research, has plotted Internet routing data (an overall view of Internet routing behavior) that shows a substantial perturbation in network connectivity resulting from Slammer’s spread, (www.research.att. com/~griffin/bgp_monitor/sql_worm.html). If the worm had carried a malicious payload, attacked a more widespread vulnerability, or targeted a more popular service, its effects would likely have been far more severe. For more on how we tracked Slammer, see the “Net- work telescope operations” sidebar. fastest computer worm in history. As it began spreading throughout the Internet, the worm infected more than 90 percent of vulnerable hosts within 10 minutes, causing significant disruption to financial, transportation, and government institutions and precluding any human-based response. In this article, we describe how it achieved its rapid growth, dissect por- tions of the worm to study some of its flaws, and look at our defensive effectiveness against it and its successors. Slammer began to infect hosts slightly before 05:30 UTC on Saturday, 25 January 2003, by exploiting a buffer-overflow vulnerability in computers on the Inter- net running Microsoft’s SQL Server or Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE) 2000. David Litchfield of Next Generation Security Software discovered this un- derlying indexing service weakness in July 2002; Mi- crosoft released a patch for the vulnerability before the vulnerability was publicly disclosed ( com/security/slammer.asp). Exploiting this vulnerability, the worm infected at least 75,000 hosts, perhaps consider- ably more, and caused network outages and unforeseen consequences such as canceled airline flights, interference with elections, and ATM failures (see Figure 1). Slammer’s most novel feature is its propagation speed. In approximately three minutes, the worm achieved its full scanning rate (more than 55 million scans per second), after which the growth rate slowed because significant portions of the network had insufficient bandwidth to ac- commodate more growth. Although Stuart Staniford, Vern Paxson, and Nicholas Weaver had predicted rapid-propagation worms on theoretical grounds, 1 Slammer provided the S TEFAN S AVAGE University of California, San Diego C OLLEEN S HANNON Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis S TUART S TANIFORD Silicon Defense N ICHOLAS W EAVER Silicon Defense and University of California, Berkeley How Slammer chooses its victims The worm’s spreading strategy uses random scanning—it randomly selects IP addresses, eventually finding and in- fecting all susceptible hosts. Random-scanning worms initially spread exponentially, but their rapid new-host 33 PUBLISHED BY THE IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY 1540-7993/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE IEEE SECURITY & PRIVACY Slammer Worm Dissection Sat Jan 25 06:00:00 2003 (UTC) Number of hosts infected with Slammer: 74, 855 Copyright © 2003 UC Regents Figure 1. The geographical spread of Slammer in the 30 minutes after its release. The diameter of each circle is a function of the logarithm of the number of infected machines, so large circles visually underrepresent the number of infected cases in order to minimize overlap with adjacent locations. For some machines, we can determine only the country of origin rather than a specific city. with its scans, and bandwidth consumption and network outages caused site-specific variations in its observed spread. Figure 3 shows a data set from the Distributed In- trusion Detection System project (Dshield; www.dshield. org) compared to an RCS model. The model fits ex- tremely well up to a point where the probe rate abruptly levels out. Bandwidth saturation and network failure (some networks shut down under the extreme load) produced this change in the probe’s growth rate. 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 Why Slammer was so fast While Slammer spread nearly two orders of magnitude faster than Code Red, it probably infected fewer ma- chines. Both worms use the same basic scanning strategy to find vulnerable machines and transfer their exploitive payloads; however, they differ in their scanning con- straints. While Code Red is latency-limited, Slammer is bandwidth-limited, enabling Slammer to scan as fast as a compromised computer can transmit packets or a net- work can deliver them. Slammer’s 376 bytes comprise a simple, fast scanner. With its requisite headers, the pay- load becomes a single 404-byte user diagram protocol (UDP) packet. Contrast Slammer’s 404 bytes with Code Red’s 4 Kbytes or Nimda’s 60 Kbytes. Previous scanning worms, such as Code Red, spread via many threads, each invoking connect() to open a TCP session to random addresses. Consequently, each thread’s scanning rate was limited by network latency. After sending a TCP SYN packet to initiate the connection, each thread must wait to receive a corresponding SYN/ACK packet from the target host or time-out if no re- 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 H our of the day actual number of scans predicted number of scans Figure 2. The Code Red worm was a typical random-scanning worm. This graph shows Code Red’s probe rate during its re-emergence on 1 August, 2001, as seen on one Internet subnetwork, matched against the random constant spread worm behavior model. infection slows as the worms continually retry infected or immune addresses. Thus, as with the Code Red worm shown in Figure 2, Slammer’s infected-host proportion follows a classic logistic form of initial exponential growth in a finite system. 1,2 We label this growth behav- ior a random constant spread (RCS) model. Slammer’s spread initially conformed to the RCS model, but in the later stages it began to saturate networks 34 IEEE SECURITY & PRIVACY JULY/AUGUST 2003 Slammer Worm Dissection sponse is received. During this time, the thread is blocked and cannot infect other hosts. In principle, worms can compensate for this latency by invoking a sufficiently large number of threads. In practice, however, operating system limitations, such as context-switch overhead and kernel stack memory consumption, limit the number of active threads a worm can use effectively. So, a worm like Code Red quickly stalls and becomes latency limited, as every thread spends most of its time waiting for responses. In contrast, Slammer’s scanner is limited by each com- promised machine’s Internet bandwidth. Because a single packet to UDP port 1434 could exploit the SQL server’s vulnerability, the worm was able to broadcast scans without requiring responses from potential victims. Slammer’s inner loop is very small, and with modern servers’ I/O ca- pacity to transmit network data at more than 100 Mbits per second, Slammer frequently was limited by Internet access bandwidth rather than its ability to replicate copies of itself. In principle, an infected machine with a 100-Mbps Internet connection could produce more than 30,000 scans per second. In practice, bandwidth limitations and per-packet overhead limit the largest probe rate we di- rectly observed to 26,000 scans per second, with an Inter- net-wide average of approximately 4,000 scans per sec- ond per worm during its early growth phase. Slammer’s scanning technique is so aggressive that it quickly interferes with its own growth. Subsequent in- fections’ contribution to its growth rate diminishes be- cause those instances must compete with existing infec- tions for scarce bandwidth. Thus, Slammer achieved its maximum Internet-wide scanning rate in minutes. Any simple-loop approach creates a bandwidth- limited UDP scanner, so any future single-packet UDP worm probably would have the same property unless its author deliberately limited its spread. While a TCP-based worm, such as Code Red, also could use a bandwidth- limited scanner by sending TCP SYN s at maximum rate and responding automatically to any replies in another thread, this would require more effort to implement cor- rectly, as it requires crafting raw TCP packets instead of simply using existing system calls. 1,100 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1,760 1,770 1,780 1,790 1,800 1,810 1,820 Seconds after 5:00 a.m. UTC DShield data K = 6.7m, T = 1808.7s, Peak = 2050, Const. 28 Figure 3. The early moments of the Distributed Intrusion Detection System (Dshield) data set, matched against the behavior of a random-scanning worm. represents the range of the result, and a and b are carefully chosen constants. Linear congruent generators are very efficient and, with appropriate values of a and b have rea- sonably good distributional properties (although they are not random from a sequential standpoint). Typically, you “seed” a generator’s initial value with a source of high- quality random numbers to ensure that the precise se- quence is not identical between runs. Slammer’s author intended to use a linear congruent parameterization that Microsoft popularized, x ' = ( x × 214013 + 2531011) mod 2 32 . However, we found two implementation mistakes. First, the author substituted a different value for the 2531011 increment value: hex 0xFFD9613C. This value is equivalent to –2531012 when interpreted as a twos-complement decimal. So, it seems likely that the conversion to a negative number was an error (the author seems to have forgotten that creating a negative number in twos complement requires invert- ing and adding 1, not simply inverting), and probably that the author intended to use the SUB instruction to com- pensate for the resulting negative number, but mistakenly used ADD instead. The negative constant would be more desirable in the code, as this would eliminate any null (all- zero) characters from the worm’s code. The result is that the increment is always even. The author’s second mistake was to misuse the OR in- struction, instead of XOR , to clear an important register. This error left the register’s previous contents intact. As a result, the increment inadvertently XOR s with the con- tents of a pointer contained in SqlSort’s import address table (IAT). This “salt” value differs, depending on the SqlSort DLL’s version, although two common values we observed are 0x77F8313C and 0x77E89B18. eEye Digi- What Slammer’s author did wrong For a random-scanning worm to be effective, it needs a good source of random numbers to select new attack tar- gets. Slammer’s random-number generator has some in- teresting deficiencies that make our analysis difficult and, perhaps, have implications for future worms. Several dis- assembled versions of the worm’s source code are avail- able at the URLs shown in the “Worm guts” sidebar. Slammer uses a linear congruent, or power residue, pseudo random number generation (PRNG) algorithm. These algorithms take the form: x ' = ( x a + b ) mod m, where x' is the new pseudo random number to be gener- ated, x is the last pseudo random number generated, m × 35 IEEE SECURITY & PRIVACY Slammer Worm Dissection terpreted as a big-endian IP address (the most significant value in the sequence is stored at the lowest storage ad- dress), this ensures that the 25th and 26th bits in the scan ad- dress (the upper octet) remain constant in any worm exe- cution instance. Similar weaknesses extend to the 24th bit of the address, depending on the uncleared register’s value. Moreover, with the incorrectly chosen increment, any particular worm instance cycles through a list of addresses significantly smaller than the actual Internet address space. Thus, many worm instances will never probe our moni- tored addresses because none of them are contained in the worm’s scan cycle. Combined with the size of our moni- tored address space, 3 these mistakes prevent us from accu- rately measuring the number of infected hosts during the first minutes of the worm’s spread. Slammer will or will not include entire /16 address blocks (large contiguous address ranges) in a cycle, because the last two bits of the first address byte never change. We were able to assemble lists of the address blocks in each cycle for each value of the salt (cycle structure depends on salt value). Fortunately, the probability of choosing a particular cycle is directly proportional to the size of the cycle if the initial seed is selected uniformly at random. If we looked at many randomly seeded worms, it is likely that all Internet addresses would be probed equally. Thus, we can accurately estimate the worm’s scanning rate during the infection process by monitoring relatively small address ranges. We can estimate the percentage of the Internet that is infected because the probing will cover all Internet addresses. If not for the higher-quality numbers in the initial seed, these flaws would prevent the worm from reach- ing large portions of the Internet address space, no mat- ter how many hosts were infected. For the same reason, these flaws also could bias our measurements because even though our data come from several different net- works, there is a small chance that those particular net- works were disproportionately more or less likely to be scanned. However, the worm uses an operating system service, GetTickCount , to seed each generator with the number of milliseconds since a system booted, which should provide sufficient randomization to en- sure that across many instances of the worm, at least one host will probe each address at some point in time. We feel confident that the risk of bias in our measurements is similarly minimized. Additionally, the “best” random bits produced by GetTickCount are in the least-sig- nificant bits, which determine which cycle is selected for a given salt. An interesting feature of this PRNG is that it makes it difficult for the Internet community to assemble a list of the compromised Internet addresses. With earlier worms, we could collect a list of all addresses that probed into a large network. With Slammer, we would need to monitor networks in every cycle of the random-number generator for each salt value to have confidence of good coverage. 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Minutes after initial outbreak Figure 4. Slammer’s early progress as measured at the University of Wisconsin Advanced Internet Lab (WAIL) tarpit, an unused network that logs packet traffic. Scanning rate is scaled to estimate the Internet-wide scanning rate. (A transient data-collection failure temporarily interrupted this data set approximately two minutes and 40 seconds after Slammer began to spread.) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Hours after initial outbreak Figure 5. The response to Slammer during the 12 hours after its release, measured in several locations. Scanning rate is scaled to estimate the Internet-wide scanning rate. tal Security ( sapphire.txt) also reports seeing 0x77EA094C, which is what the register value needs to be to get what eEye says is their result. These mistakes significantly reduce the generator’s dis- tribution quality. Because b is even and the salt is always 32- bit aligned, the least-significant two bits are always zero. In- 36 IEEE SECURITY & PRIVACY JULY/AUGUST 2003 Slammer Worm Dissection What did we learn about Slammer’s author? See the “Who wrote Slammer?” sidebar. Table 1. Slammer’s geographical distribution. COUNTRY PERCENT VICTIMS How the Internet responded By passively monitoring traffic (either by sniffing or sampling packets or monitoring firewall logs) on a set of links providing connectivity to multiple networks, each responsible for about 65,000 IP addresses, we were able to infer the worm’s overall scanning behav- ior over time. We obtained the most-accurate Slammer early- progress data from the University of Wisconsin Advanced Internet Lab (WAIL), which logs all packet traffic into an otherwise unused network, a “tarpit” (see Figure 4). Be- cause this data set represents a complete trace of all pack- ets to an address space of known size, it lets us accurately extrapolate the worm’s global spread. Unfortunately, a transient failure in data collection temporarily inter- rupted this data set approximately 2 minutes and 40 sec- onds after Slammer began to spread. Our other sampled data sets are not sufficiently precise for accurate evaluation over short durations. In general, people responded quickly to Slammer. Within an hour, many sites began filtering all UDP pack- ets with a destination port of 1434 via router or firewall configuration changes. Slammer represents the idealized situation for network-based filtering: its signature easily distinguishes it, it is readily filterable on current hardware, and it attacked a port that is not generally used for critical Internet communication. Thus, almost all traffic blocked by these filters represents worm-scanning traffic. If the worm had exploited a commonly used service vulnerabil- ity (for example, DNS at UDP port 53 or HTTP at TCP port 80), filtering could have caused significant disruption to legitimate traffic, with resulting denial of service (DoS) more harmful than the worm itself. Figure 5 illustrates the results of filtering. Regardless of the optimal filter efficacy conditions in this instance, we must recognize that while filtering con- trolled the unnecessary bandwidth consumption of in- fected hosts, it did nothing to limit the worm’s spread. The earliest filtering began long after Slammer had in- fected almost all susceptible hosts. We recorded all distinct infected IP addresses seen by our monitors in the first 30 minutes of worm spread. We noticed 74,856 distinct IP addresses, spread across a wide range of domains and geographic locations. Slammer in- fected most of these machines in the first few minutes, but monitoring limitations prevent us from telling precisely when they were infected. We cannot observe all infected machines due to the flaws in Slammer’s PRNG, but we can document a lower bound on the number of compro- mised machines based on the IP addresses we have recorded—the actual infection is undoubtedly larger. Ta- bles 1 and 2 summarize these distributions. United States 42.87 South Korea 11.82 Unknown 6.96 China 6.29 Taiwan 3.98 Canada 2.88 Australia 2.38 United Kingdom 2.02 Japan 1.72 Netherlands 1.53 Table 2. Slammer’s top-level domain distribution. TOP-LEVEL DOMAIN PERCENT VICTIMS Unknown 59.49 .net 14.37 .com 10.75 .edu 2.79 .tw 1.29 .au 0.71 .ca 0.71 .jp 0.65 .br 0.57 .uk 0.57 Why Slammer caused problems Although Slammer did not contain an explicitly malicious payload, there were widely reported incidences of disrup- tion, including failures of Bellevue, Washington’s 911 emer- gency’s data-entry terminals and portions of Bank of Amer- ica’s ATM network. The 911 and ATM failures were widely reported: Aaron Davis, “Computer Worm Snarls Web” ( 5034748.htm); Robert Lemos, “Slammer Attacks May Become Way of Life for the Net” (http://news. html?tag=fd_lede2_hed); and Robert O’Harrow Jr., “In- ternet Worm Unearths New Holes” (www.securityfocus. com/news/2186). Likewise, many routers and switches crashed under the load, including several layer-2 and layer-3 switches in the University of California, Berkeley’s Com- puter Science department. Inadvertent internal DoS attacks caused the large major- ity of these disruptions: as one or more infected machines sent out packets at their maximum possible rates. This traf- fic either saturated the first shared bottleneck or crashed some network equipment. The bottleneck effects are obvi- ous, as a site’s outgoing bandwidth is usually significantly less than a Slammer’s instance can consume. Thus, the worm’s packets saturated Internet links, effectively denying connec- 37 IEEE SECURITY & PRIVACY
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