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//-->FROM THE EDITORS OF WORLD OF FIREPOWERINSIDE MILITARY SURPLUS • WINTER 2014U.S. $8.99 •DISPLAY UNTIL: 2/3/157371486 015062Engaged Media By BeckettPg. 20TableofContentsCoverstoryPerfect Hit................................................................................................Starting in the 18th century, we have got the evolution ofthe sniper rifle covered.By Eric Kowal20IMSfeaturesHow to Buy1028364246INSIDE MILITARY SURPLUS.............................................................................................Here are the tips and tricks you’ll need before mil-surpshopping.By Dave DolbeeBig .45 Auto..........................................................................................Call it “Ol’ Reliable,” as the 1911 has been in service formore than a century.By Leroy Thompson003Battle Leaders.............................................................................The top 10 military sidearms of all time may have at leastone surprise.By Tom HarmonyCollector’s HeavenFirst Love...................................................Major Surplus is a major source for some of the bestsurplus available.By Paul Hantke.......................................................................................................You may have read many stories on the M1 Garand, butyou’re never read a story like this.By Stan SkinnerWeapons of War ......................52Combat HelmetsPg. 46Take a journey back in time to look at Citadel’s M-1 Carbineand M-1 1911.By Brad Fitzpatrick..................................................................The evolution of headwear in the world’s military is a longand winding road.By Jim Thompson60TableofContentsThe Walther P38...................................................................IMScolumns68131This old war dog is still a shooter today.By Bob CampbellUpgrades for YourOld Army Mule70 From the EditorOpening UpLast Look76808896......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................We have three can’t-miss ways for you to teach an old gunnew tricks.By Abe EliasCompact FirepowerThree GenerationsDream Guns004INSIDE MILITARY SURPLUS...................................................Jumping into a hot zone required the right firearm, and theM1 Carbine filled that role admirably.By Leroy Thompson.........................................................This is one of the most interesting lineages of all time.By Paul Hantke.........................................................................................Get in, hold on and read thoroughly as we talk about someof the biggest collectible guns out there.By Abe EliasUnequaled Six......................................................................We have gone where no other man has dared to go …we have selected the six most dominant military rifles ofmodern times.By Chuck Taylor102Fact vs. FictionThe Hi Power....................................................................Hollywood is just one of the culprits in the perpetuation ofmilitary myths.By Jim Thompson..............................................................................110116122126Pg. 36It is one of the most recognizable handguns in the world. Itis the Fabrique National Hi Power.By Bob CampbellNot Quite RightThe Mauser.....................................................................Buying a counterfeit collectible isn’t on the top of anyone’slist. Here’s how to avoid that problem.By Dave Dolbee....................................................................................Get up close and personal with this German battle rifle.By Wilbourne RobertsCover photos courtesy of Stan Skinner, Jim Thompson, Chuck Taylor,Rock Island Auction Company and Bob Campbell.DOUBLE DOWN & SAVE BIG$36.95onlyCombine 1 Yr subscription toAmerican Survival Guidewith 1 Yr subscription toBow & Arrow Huntingand save67% offthe cover subscribeKYES!sign me up for a subscription to American Survival Guide andBow & Arrow HuntingThat is a total of 15 issues for a total savings of $73.90 off the cover priceMethod of PaymentCredit card numberSubscriber nameAddressCityPhoneEmailSignatureDate//StateFirstMICheck enclosedVisaMCCredit CardAMEXMoney OrderDiscoverName on credit cardExpiration date/Last/Payment through credit cardEnter Promo CodeA744V3M1For a full listing of our titles, visitwww.engagedmediamags.comtoday!Allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery of first issue. Outside US, add $35 per year for postage. Pay in US funds only. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
