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core rulebook
This is not the world
you know.
The Vikings of Old Europe were masters of the sea. Like the Irish centuries
before them, they dominated the Atlantic and her coasts. Eventually, they
reached out to the frigid land of glaciers at the western end of the world.
But they did not stop there.
The Vikings opened the way, and word spread of their travels to the strange
new land. Europeans lowed into Terra Nova more than ive hundred years
before Columbus. Other nations attempted to challenge the Vikings, and
some met with success.
With a new world open to them, the learned minds of Europe were able to
escape the grip of the Church, and the Renaissance bloomed unchallenged
in Terra Nova. Science, unhindered by restrictions from canonical overseers,
progressed along different paths.
While there are astounding creations like
the building-sized analytical engines or the
walking automatons called mobens, they
also live under primitive circumstances.
Most travel is by horse, aeroship, or the
occasional rail line. Though signal lines are
slowly being strung across the landscape,
most communication is done by pigeon,
pony, or aeropost. The wealthy may enjoy
a parlor lit with Tesla lights from a canter
generator in the basement, but commoners
make due with naptha lamps and ireplaces.
Through the acids of petty feuds and old
grudges, the great nations of Terra Nova
now ind themselves on the brink of what
was thought to be impossible
a continent-
wide war.
Engine programmer
The Inland Empire
The Empire was founded by expatriates from Europe who sought refuge
from the antisci Church. They purposely set inland as far as possible,
wanting to ensure their isolation when the time came for more immigrants
to sail to Terra Nova. By the time serious border disputes with Anglica
began, the Empire was already entering its second century.
Winters in the northern area of the Empire are bitterly cold, but the
summer months are pleasantly warm and dry. Rain is sparse and usually
occurs only during violent storms.
The high winds that blow from the northwest sometimes cause havoc for
non-native aeroship pilots (-2 or more to landing checks at controller’s
Its capital seat is Conoscenza (”khon-oh-senza”, Italian for “knowledge”).
Conoscenza was built in a region of canyons, and was chosen for its rich
veins of coal that wind along the cliff-walls.
Government: Meritocracy
The Emperor is chosen by lottery from a pool of the aristocracy, and rules
for ten years. To become a member of the aristocracy one must be male, at
least twenty-ive years of age, and pass the Barrows Examination.
The primary rule for civil servants conceived by Conoscenza’s founders
is “Live as thy citizens live”. The Emperor’s assigned living quarters are
neither modest nor palatial. Servants and guards are plenty and funded
by taxes, as the Emperor is generally a busy man, but luxuries are paid for
out of the Emperor’s salary, which is determined by Cullard’s Hill (what we
would call standard deviation).
New Amsterdam
The sole province of the Dutch who irst accompanied the Vikings to Terra
Nova is a strip of land off the Atlantic coast. Though conined to an island
surrounded by Vikings, the Dutch have thrived through their peculiar
method of satisfying all sides at once. They are known as inventors that
rival those of Conoscenza, and their guns and other weapons are renowned
across the globe. They also make bridges
there are three bridges connecting
New Amsterdam to the mainland, one of which is designed especially for
rail trains.
Government: Corporatism
New Amsterdam is run by a consortium of guilds, represented by a council
of guildmasters. Civil service posts are decided by a general all-guilds vote
and maintained through a tax on guild earnings.
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